3D Model Home Gallery
Enjoy the Lotte Castel Eastpole videos.
Experience CG footage of the complex and its panoramic views.
Complex Video
CG Video
Explore the exterior of Lotte Castel Eastpole.
See a CG that shows a view of the complex and its landscaping.
Walk around outside a complex in Object VR
and see what units are in each building.
CG Cut
This Object VR allows you
to see the outside of the unit.
Rotate the screen
to see the layout of the complex.
This is the space
where you can view information about units
in Lotte Castle Eastpole.
You can view the interior
of the unit in VR tour and video.
Rotate the screen
to check the layout of the unit space.
This is Object VR where you can explore the interior of the unit.
Rotate the screen to check the layout.
We hope you enjoyed the experience of visiting
the 3D Model Home Gallery you have been waiting for a long time.
Thank you.